Sensitive Group Information

Questions Patients or Supports may ask you

The following responses have been carefully reviewed by Equip. To ensure clear and consistent communication with patients and their supports, please use the language and messaging below when answering questions from patients and/or their supports. Thank you!

  • Why can I no longer see certain group classes?
    • We have added a feature for certain group classes that will limit the view for supports. The purpose of this feature is to foster safe spaces in group classes and allow patients to maintain their privacy when it comes to their registration and attendance in these particular groups.

  • What groups have been updated with new privacy settings?
    • We have updated privacy settings for groups that may be sensitive in nature. Groups that are specific to size inclusivity, substance use, or gender identity are just a few of the groups with updated privacy settings. 

  • I am a Support, can I still register my loved one for a group class with updated privacy settings?
    • No, you cannot register your loved ones for a group class that has updated privacy settings. Your loved ones can register themselves for any of these group classes via their Equip account.

  • I should be able to see my patient’s registration / I don’t need this feature because my patient doesn’t mind if I can see their registration.
    • While we recognize that this change may not be necessary for every patient, we want to ensure that our group classes can maintain and prioritize privacy for all of our patients and their varying needs.
    • Providers please note: Proxy supports of minors can request information about their child’s participation in these groups, even though they can’t see it on the platform. 

If a patient or support has more specific questions that you are unable to answer, please contact Carly Knauf via Slack or email at Thank you!

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