What status messages are displayed in patient's chat channels?

Patients and supports can see their assigned provider team members under the provider team section of their Equip account's home page

We display status messages in chat channels when a channel is active or inactive and if provider is added or removed from a patient's chart. This ensures that patients and supports are informed about changes in the chat participants, helping maintain transparency and clarity within the communication channels.

  1. When a channel becomes active:
    • A channel becomes active when it has at least one provider member assigned to a patient or support channel
    • The chat channel will display a status message indicating that "This channel is active".
  2. When a provider is removed from the patient's chart:
    • The provider will be removed from both the patient's chat channel and the support chat channel (if patient has a proxy or general support)
    • A status message will be displayed in both channels indicating that "Provider Name has left."
  3. When a provider is added to the chat:
    • The provider will be added to both the patient's chat channel and the support chat channel (if patient has a proxy or general support)
    • The chat channel will display a status message indicating that "Provider Name has joined."
  4. When a channel becomes inactive:
    • A channel becomes inactive when it has no provider members assigned to a patient or support channel
    • The chat channel will display a status message indicating that "This channel is no longer active"

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