Family Mentor Booking

Booking with Supports

Currently, we use a patient’s treatment program type to decide the default attendees for an Equip appointment. For many family mentor appointments, the default attendees are different based on the treatment program.


We expect all proxy supports to meet with the family mentor on a regular basis in FBT. Because of this, we set the default attendees as follows:

  • All proxy supports (think: parents) will be automatically added to your event as well as any family mentor on the patient’s provider team
  • If you want to add general supports (think: siblings), you need to do this by checking the box next to their name in the appointment modal


In the adult program, we rarely expect there to be proxy supports. General supports (think spouses, roommates, friends) will be common. We know that family mentors will meet 1:1 with supports in this treatment context. Because of this, we do not set any default attendees on the appointments.

  • When creating a family mentor appointment, you need to select the specific support or supports you’d like to meet with by checking the box next to their name here:

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