How to check if a patient/support is attending a class?

Registering for a class is a dynamic process, and sometimes attendees may need to decline participation. This walkthrough provides comprehensive steps on how to view the attendees and identify users who have declined an event.

There are two ways to check if a patient or support is attending a class that they have registered for

  1. Login to Maud and navigate to "Appointments" tab under the patient's chart
  • Go the week view and click on the class you want to check to see if a patient/support is attending that event

  • On the Event Details card, click on "Show" to view all the attendees of that event

  • If you see an attendee's name in the strikethrough, it indicates that they have declined this event

Similarly, you can check if a patient/support is attending from the Classes tab under the Calendar menu

  1. Login to Maud and navigate to the "Calendar" menu and click "Classes
  • Go the week view and click on the class you want to check to see if a patient/support is attending that event
  • On the Event Details card, click on "Show" to view all the attendees of that event

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