Password Expiring

  1. Click the Jumpcloud icon to open the drop down

  1. Click Update Now.
  2. A pop up will appear. Fill out the information.

  1. The TOTP Token is the 6 digit code that comes up when you open the Jumpcloud app on your phone.

  1. Once everything is filled out, the save icon will turn to color allowing you to click Save

Once you update your password, Google will need to be logged into again.

  1. To update your Google account after the password reset, click your initials or picture icon within Google Chrome

  1. Click SIgn in Again

  1. It will open a new tab, enter your email (if not already there), click next.
  2. Enter in your new password you just created, click next.
  3. It will verify you - most will be verified by Google sending a Code to their cell phone

  1. Click next/verify.
  2. You are now updated with Google.
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