How Do I link A Note To A Session?

Adding a note from the session icon is the recommended process. Adding a note from the session icon automatically links the note to the session.

Note is in Draft Mode

  1. Login to Maud
  2. Navigate to the patient
  3. Click Notes tab
  4. Navigate to the drafted note
  5. Click edit
  6. Click the drop down for Session link
  7. Scroll to the link for your session, click on the session
    1. Once you click the session link, the title box, activity date box and note type will automatically fill out.
  8. Once completed with the note, click Sign & Finalize.

Note is Signed & Finalized

  1. Login to Maud
  2. Navigate to the patient
  3. Click Notes tab
  4. Navigate to the drafted note
  5. Click Add addendum
  6. Click Edit attributes
  7. Click the drop down for Session link
  8. Scroll to the link for your session, click on the session
    1. Once you click the session link, the title box, activity date box and note type will automatically fill out.
  9. Once completed with the note, click Submit addendum.
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