How Do I Filter My Notes?

Filtering notes can be used for any role. There are many options in the filter section to narrow down what you are looking for. Here are the steps to filter:

  1. Login to the Maud
  2. Navigate to patient account
  3. Click Notes tab
  4. Click the filter icon across from "Patient Notes"

  1. To search by your role or another role, click the "creator role" dropdown

  1. Click the role you are wanting to filter by. If you are done, click Apply. If you want to narrow down the notes even more, continue to the next step.
  2. You can narrow your search down by selecting note type, status, title or session link.
  3. Click "Apply" to search for the note(s).

If you do not see the note or it comes up empty, remove different filters and try again.

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