Troubleshooting Availability in Maud

By following the below tips for scheduling in Maud, you can ensure that your time is effectively managed without any conflicts or disruptions.

Check your Maud availability:

If you are unable to book an appointment for a time slot that is available, make sure to check your availability aligns with your intended time in Maud.

Check your Google calendar availability:

Check your Google calendar to ensure there are no conflicting meetings and your calendar appears "Free" during the desired time slot.

Check patient's availability:

Check the patient's chart under week view of the "Appointments" tab to ensure there are no conflicting engagements (other appointments or group classes) during the desired time slot.

Ignore Availability Settings:

While "Ignore availability settings" permits scheduling outside of set availability, it does not override existing appointments on your Google calendar.

Check the patient "Care Plan" provider assignment:

If a patient has two providers of the same role (for example, two therapists assigned), all your available slots will not be displayed. This is because the scheduler will be looking for common available time between all the participants. Please make sure to have the other provider removed from the care plan.

If you have attempted all the aforementioned steps and still encounter difficulties booking an appointment for an available slot, kindly submit a ticket to our support team. We will be more than happy to assist you.

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