Login to Dextr

  1. Navigate to Dextr
  2. The main page should include the alias:

  1. If the box is blank, enter equiphealthcontactcenter
  2. Click Secure Login
  3. A pop up will appear from AWS. Enter your email here. Then click "Next"

  1. Enter your password here. Click "Sign In"

  1. Click the "Amazon Connect" box that appears to continue signing in

  1. After clicking the "Amazon Connect" box, this will open a new tab next to your Dextr tab.

  1. Click on the "Login" tab to continue logging in
  2. On this page, it will connect you to Dextr and prompt you to login. Click "Go To Application"

  1. The Dextr dashboard will open and will automatically log you in as "offline"

  • If you clear your Cookies and Cache out, when you try to login, you will need to re-enter the contact center - equiphealthcontactcenter - your email will not work in this section.
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